Wednesday, November 7, 2012

SMARTFOOD Selects - A Review

Right before we were headed to the hospital to have our baby, I received a new BzzCampaign item in the mail.  All Natural SMARTFOOD Selects...this is pre-popped popcorn and humus chips.

The flavors I got are pretty darn good, but the one I'm most interested in trying is theCinnamon Brown Sugar one!  I received a bag of Buffalo flavored though (think the spicy sauce on chicken wings for a mental image of the flavor here)...I'm not a huge fan of hot/spicy and this flavor is most certainly hot/spicy!  The Humus chips are pretty good to, but in all honesty, I think the flavorings there are a bit too "jumbled" for my liking...I got small bags of two flavors of these (Garlic Tomato Basil and Feta Herb).  The Garlic Tomato Basil taste like the Mrs. Dash with the same name, which is good...but not really a "chip" flavor.

As an alternative to eating potato chips, these are worth 13 grams of carbs per small (single serve chip bag) bag, you're probably better off eating a stick of cheese anyway (microwave that and toss a little Mrs. Dash on it and you can even have the same flavor!  On the plus side, there is no MSG in these, they are Kosher, they claim 0g trans fats (and I don't see any of the sneaky, hidden trans fats), and there are no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives in these.

The single ingredient I think they need to work on eliminating from these?  Brown Sugar!  Who the heck needs sugar in a savory chip?  It's just adding calories, carbs, and a load of other things to a product that is relatively good for you (there is still all the flours used to create the chip, but sugar is BAD)!

In the end, this was a great snack to have on hand when we were making all of our trips to the hospital that first week when the baby was so sick and I was living off of fast food and snacks people brought me (I never left the room he was in other than to pee when Garrick was there with me...and believe me, I really had to go by the time they returned that first morning after going back to the hospital)!  They won't, however, be something I purchase on my own...mostly because they are not part of a low-carb diet and we are going back on that "soon"!

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